My boots. They're about seven years old and cost about £30. They have served me well but I think they've about had it. In fact, I had to cut today's walk short because I could feel a blister starting on my right heel. Here's where I did get to though:

Starting at the car park just before Brothers Water, I walked through the pretty village of Hartsop before heading steeply up to Brock Crags, the first Wainwright of the day. I then crossed to Rest Dodd, Wainwright number two and then down and back up to The Knott before heading back to Hartsop on the path that runs alongside Hayeswater Gill.
Walking along the A592 looking over towards errr... happy to take corrections but I would say, left to right, Middle Dodd, High Hartsop Dodd, Hart Cragg (or heading towards it) and the edge of Woodside which leads up to Hartsop above How. There's a lot of Hartsops on this walk.
Setting off into Hartsop village and a good view of Brock Crags, the first Wainwright of the day. These are The Far Eastern Fells, further away from where I live and so I am much less familiar with them. In Wainwright's books, he complains of an ugly scar left on Brock Crags from the laying of a pipeline from Hayeswater. He goes on to say that nature is a great healer and that it cannot heal too swiftly here. Well 55 years later and it seems to have done the job because I didn't notice anything resembling a scar.
This is looking back on the track that turns back on itself coming out of Hartsop village. It wasn't long until I took a more direct route straight up the side of Brock Crags.
Starting to climb now and Brothers Water comes into view and the same three points that I thought I labelled a few pictures ago. Hartsop Dodd sloping off to the left.
Better view of Hartsop Dodd now with the track visible at the bottom of the picture.
I think these are old mine shafts on Hartsop Dodd (don't miss the one on the top left). There are ruins of the lead mine works in the valley.
To the South-West - Brothers Water with Hartsop above How above the woods. From far left: Little Hart Crag on the horizon with High Hartsop Dodd in front, Dove Crag is behind and to the left of Hartsop Above How, Hart Crag is directly above and then the long flattish top of Fairfield stepping down to Cofa Pike and Deepdale Hause before rising up to St Sunday Crag on the far right.
To the South - left to right, horizontal top of High Street goes behind the prominent peak of Gray Crag, Thornthwaite Crag and Ill Bell behind Threshwaite Mouth (the dip in the middle). Caudale Moor is the long slope on the left which leads to Hartsop Dodd.
from the top of Brock Crags
On the way to Rest Dodd, looking back to the summit of Brock Crags, St Sunday Crag behind with Fairfield on the left.
looking towards Helvellyn, that pointy one might be Catstycam
looking over The Nab, you can see the much derided peaty bogs.
Top of Rest Dodd, looking over Rampsgill Head towards High Raise.
and all the way down the High Street.
heading over to The Knott on the left hand side by the wall. Hayeswater below. Really starting to feel a blister developing here. Quick stop to adjust the boots but it didn't really help.
From the top of The Knott looking back to Rest Dodd with The Nab behind.
Rampsgill Head and High Raise within spitting distance but my feet hurt.
Along High Street to the summit. The ridge of the Roman road is visible here.
all around the valley
Summit cairn on The Knott.
I took the steep path down towards Hayeswater. Brothers Water is visible here in the middle of the picture.
pink sheep.
down at Hayeswater dam now
I followed the path down around Gray Crag along the side of Hayeswater Gill.
crossing the gill.
nice to be back on a decent surface. Did I tell you my feet were sore.
I didn't see any
I got back to the car at about 3pm which meant I had time to check out boots in Catstycam, a great independent outdoors shop in Glenridding. They had some Salomon on sale but only in size 12 or some huge clown-foot size like that. I'm really trying to be ethical these days with my purchases. One of the main things I want to do is not buy products made from animal parts. Salomon are pretty good for this, Innovate are really good. Nothing else in the shop fitted this criteria so I headed off, I stopped at Keswick on the way home to check out more boots but didn't find anything to my satisfaction. I did notice that Keswick was really busy with people and there is obviously some smart comment about a different High Street but I'll save that for when I get to walk a bit more on that High Street.
Your photos make me feel a sense of awe and envy. Keep sharing, because it continually reminds me of the joy felt being in nature.
ReplyDeletethank you, that's very kind.