Longlands Fell, Meal Fell, Great Cockup, Great Calva, Knott, Great Scafell. Some definite bagging going on here! These are the quieter fells behind Skiddaw known as Back O'Skiddaw. They are mostly grassy and boggy and it's quite hard to find a decent route between them that doesn't involve up and downing. I had planned to go out to High Pike (seen on the map on the far right hand side) and then cut back over the top of Brae Fell but I ran out of time before having to be back home and so I cut down Roughten Gill back to the road. A better option would have been to carry on from Great Scafell to Brae Fell and then head down to the path to the left back to my car. Nevermind. I must say that I have never enjoyed walking these particular fells but they are enjoyable to run, having fairly long sloping down hills and level tops. The spongy ground is forgiving too.

heading up towards Longlands Fell. Very windy and cold here at the start
over the top of Lowthwaite Fell. If it was not for the clouds, you should be ably to see Meal Fell, Great Scafell and Great Cockup from here, completing the Udale Fells.
heading for the summit of Meal Fell following a steep climb
uninspiring summit of Great Cockup
heading down again
and back up to Great Calva summit
still some snow about
looking back up to Great Calva
pretty cold
down there, then back up there
to the summit of Knott
William Henry Large 7th Bn, Border Regiment, 7th July 1916 Somme
on to the summit of Great Scafell
heading east
nice flat, grassy slopes, great for running on
Woah! This is the top of Roughten Gill. A quick calculation here told me that I was running
out of time and needed to head down and home.
I decided to follow the path that goes more or less along Roughten Gill. It wasn't the
shortest way out but it was a lovely run all the same.
looking back up
back on the track, looking back
15 miles and 6 Wainrights
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